Monday, March 16, 2020

Art Fight - 80s Alien

My part of Design for the Person Above You in exchange for a super cute design for Aldis, an alien obsessed with the 80s! This was a brighter palette than I am used to doing but I think it ended up cute.
Drawn 3/16/20, Photoshop.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Comic Sketch - Magical Problems Require Magical Solutions

With all the characters arguing over whether Ben can be trusted, it makes me wish there was a way to test him. If only there was some creature that could detect suspicious and distrustful people. But alas, no such creature exists, especially not one I keep as a pet in my dorm room, so I must content myself with this simple comic for the Hogwarts Mystery subreddit. Seriously though, you'd think as Ravenclaws they'd find a kneazle or a foe glass or something.
Ended up with 114 points, not bad!
Drawn 3/14/20, Photoshop.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Art Fight - Fayra

A little piece I did for Draw the Person Above You of Streamy's D&D character Fayra, an elf druid.
Drawn 3/12/20, Photoshop.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Character Design - Nickel

My current D&D character, Nickel. She's an air genasi fighter, a pirate with a magic submachine gun that can summon an airstrike through the power of socialism. Her parrot is No Name.
Drawn 3/10/20, Photoshop.