Saturday, September 9, 2023

Sketches - Profile Practice

 I have always struggled with profile angles. It turns out there is literally a well-known method involving triangles that apparently everyone knew but me?! I gave it a try, and just like that, I can draw profiles. Not perfect yet, but wow! What an improvement.

Ethan Becker's video discussing it helped a lot.

Drawn 9/9/23, Photoshop.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Sketch - How to Kill an Immortal

 Actually sat down and worked on something for once. This was just something I've had in my head for a while and wanted to get down on paper. I'm still working on using stronger contrast, but I feel like I went too far this time. My composition could also use some work.

Drawn 9/1/23, Chickensmoothie.