Monday, May 30, 2022

Sketch - Naming No Name

Nickel is not the brightest. 

It has been several years since this campaign ended... Nickel has a new home in Ren's universe, doing what she does best: sailing the seas, plundering treasure, and struggling with basic common sense.

Drawn 5/30/22, Photoshop.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Sketch - Ren vs. Ren

New Ren and Old Ren would not get along. Old Ren would think New Ren is irresponsible and immature, and he'd find her uptight and far too strict. I was surprised at how much my art has improved since I drew Old Ren's original reference sheet - I thought she would look terrible here.

Drawn 5/20/22, Photoshop.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Animatic - Don't Break My Heart, Alright?

 I more or less finished the animatic I have been working on during my lunch breaks. It's nothing special and I'm not particularly proud of it, but I learned a lot. I doubt it will get much attention since it's an OC animatic, but I'll do some funny fandom videos next. For now I want to get back to sketching.

Drawn 12/2021 - 5/13/22, Photoshop, Premiere, and After Effects.