Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 Summary

 Another year, another art summary. It's a shame that even though I had more free time than ever before, I somehow drew less than last year. I guess it was a difficult semester. Good riddance to 2020, and I hope 2021 is just a regular friggin year.

Once again, thanks to AsterianMonarch for the template.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Comic Sketch - Fake News

 A little doodle of a comic about Hayori learning brand new information about himself. Not the best thing to hear when your alter ego is a wanted criminal. Also featuring fun little cameos of my other characters in the news clips.

Drawn 12/10/20, Photoshop.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Character Design - Slice of Cheese

 A reference sheet for Slice, the urban sewer druid/ranger. Likes hidey-holes and cheese and shiny things. She swears in cheeses. Beware the rat, for never is there just one.

Drawn 12/5/20, Photoshop.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Sketch - Scars

 Some sketches I did of Hayori's many scars. Out of all my characters, he has it the roughest - he's clearly been through a woodchipper, an axe pit, a pack of starving rabid wolverines... Being the author's favorite is a heavy burden. But it's not my fault - he's the one who chose "having a death wish" as a hobby!

Drawn 12/6/20, Photoshop.