Friday, May 28, 2021

Art - Cantinera

 I did a little piece for Imperialist's awesome entry in T. Alex Ratcliffe's character design contest for Battle Games to test out my new tablet. She won 2nd place and was fun to draw! The last tablet broke while I was finishing the video game, but luckily I collect tablets for this very reason and pulled out one of my backups. Turns out this one was actually a step up.

Drawn 5/28/21, Photoshop.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Video Game - You Are a Cat

 My final project for a coding class, a fully-functional video game using Processing. I did all the art for it and taught myself pixel art at the same time!

In essence, you are a cat. You must go through your day, and do your little cat things. Smack the glass of water. Destroy the houseplant. Fight Cthulhu. Your goal: mild torment to all.

Drawn 4/26/21 - 5/2/21, Photoshop & Bandicam.