Friday, September 20, 2019

Paper Sketch - Der Silberspiegel

School has picked up and I haven't had the time or the energy to draw, but I did a doodle illustration for my mini-fairy tale Der Silberspiegel that I wrote for my German class.
Drawn 9/20/2019, paper.

Here is the English translation of Der Silberspiegel. It is shorter and simpler than I'd like since I had a word limit and my German writing skills aren't great. I would've liked to expand it more into a magic, mystery, and suspense genre with a dark twist. Doctor Who-style supernatural.

     There was once a girl who would always gaze into her reflections and admire her beauty – her shining black hair, her perfect smile, her deep brown eyes. Even though she was courted by all the men of the village and was the envy of all the women, she was rude, selfish, and vain. One day, after a long storm, she met a young man gathering herbs in the woods. He wore a cloak and carried a basket full of strange items. An unusual hat covered his face so she could not see it.
     “Hello, you must be Miss Valerei,” the man said.
     “I am. And who are you?” she asked.
     “I’m just a traveler,” he said, “But I’ve heard of your beauty. They say you are the most beautiful woman in the region.”
     She laughed and said haughtily, “That is true! Maybe even in the whole world.”
     “But you are not beautiful,” the man said, “Your body is beautiful, but your heart is ugly.”
     The girl was angry, but the man handed her a silver mirror from his basket.
     “I am a witch. This mirror will show you as your heart is. When your heart becomes beautiful, the mirror will reflect it. Take care of it.”
     The girl looked into the mirror and cried out. The reflection was hideous! It was certainly not her face!
     “What is this?!” she cried, but the man had vanished. She threw the mirror angrily. It shattered on the ground. Needing to see her beautiful face again, she ran to a puddle. But her face was ugly and misshapen! It was the curse of the witch. She had broken the mirror. The ugly girl began to cry. Her tears fell into the puddle, and she walked away sadly. But where her tears had fallen, her beautiful reflection remained in the puddle. That night, when she looked in the mirror, she saw nothing there. Her reflection was gone, never to be seen again.
     Since that night, after long storms, they say sometimes reflections move on their own. Sometimes a beautiful girl can be seen in the water. People who look too long at their reflections in these puddles leave without them.

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